– If a child aged 9–16 does not obtain a perfect score on either of the first two items given, administer the preceding items in reverse order until the child obtains perfect scores on two consecutive items.

Show less Published in August of 2008, WAIS–IV is the most widely used intelligence test for adults in the world. The editors and chapter authors have exclusive access to proprietary WAIS–IV data to run advanced analyses and provide information beyond what is offered in the WAIS-IV manual. Wechsler Scoring Manual Ebook Wechsler Scoring Manual currently available at .uk for review only, if you need complete ebook Wechsler Scoring Manual please fill out WISC-IV Administration and Scoring Manual (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- Fourth Edition) 4th Edition The operating systems supported by our software are Windows XP …

Click for a sample report from the WAIS-IV Report Writer (NB This is a US sample report).