This is further enhanced by The Johnstone in conjunction with other cooldown and rotation based damage multipliers, allowing for a disgusting damage burst under specific circumstances (see Mechanics). This build is an Area Damage (AD) build, since Corpse Explosion can proc it. These days, this is the go-to build to push on the Trag'Oul leaderboard.ĭue to Diablo III corpse mechanics (16 corpses limitation), this build revolves around Land of the Dead rotations to unleash devastating chain reactions on its opponents! But it is only with Season 23 adding the Set leaderboards that the Trag'Oul Corpse Explosion setup really got a chance to shine. When Season 21 introduced the new Masquerade of the Burning Carnival Set and buffed Grasps of Essence, players finally got a chance to play this skill at a competitive level. However, Necromancers have many skills with a strong identity, including the iconic Corpse Explosion!

When Necromancers got released in Season 11, they instantly became the top dog on the leaderboards using Corpse Lance with the Trag'Oul's Avatar Set, overshadowing pretty much every other skill the class had at its disposal.