Boss Rush: The Colosseum in Kaizo 3 has a series of Legacy Boss Battles against Big Boo and Reznor from Kaizo 2, followed by Big Boo and Retro Bowser from Kaizo 1, in succession.A third of the game is figuring out how to get past certain parts of the level by using certain tricks or exploiting the physics engine. Bizarre Puzzle Game: What this game really is to the uninitiated.The Big Boo boss is made ridiculously hard, allowing zero room for error. Big Boo's Haunt: The ghost houses are a sadistic homage to the already frustrating and labyrinthine ones found in the original.Ascended Glitch: You'll have to pretty much know a bunch of glitches in the Super Mario World engine to get through this hack.This game provides examples of the following: See also I Wanna Be the Guy, and similar ROM hacks Casio Mario World and JUMP.

The original hack was followed by two official sequels, Kaizo Mario World 2 and 3 and inspired several unofficial games.

This hack is also pretty much the entire reason the vast majority of Mario hacks, regardless of game, are sadistically hard, especially those that have been made with the explicit purpose of submitting them to LPers so they can torture themselves for everyone's amusement. The popularity of these original playthroughs spread across the internet, causing a lot more people to play the game. The whole thing is rumored to have started as a simple Mario World hack made by a Japanese internet user to challenge their friend, and by some unknown stroke of luck, was found and LPed by a team of Something Awful LPers as 'Asshole Mario World', based off the difficulty. Īn insanely difficult ROM Hack of Super Mario World, Kaizo Mario World (literally, "Hacked" or "Remodeled" Mario World known as Yūjin Mario in Japan) is well known for being the Trope Codifier of the Platform Hell genre (well eclipsing the popularity of earlier examples such as Jinsei Owata no Daibouken and the then-unnamed Super Mario Forever), and for being the game that launched a lot of Let's Players' careers on YouTube. ProtonJon, playing Kaizo's Special World 2.